When used properly, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective, powerful web-based tools available for businesses to deliver personalized messages directly to their best customers and prospects. Email marketing is about promoting and demonstrating the value of your brand to a targeted audience. But you can’t start sending emails to just anyone. There are specific rules and certain expectations for how these emails are sent, received and the content they will contain. That’s why you need the expert assistance and experience of Flying Turtle Studio to get your email marketing campaign off the ground.

How It Works
The process is really quite simple. We begin by demonstrating additional value to your customers and prospects by offering a professional-quality free e-newsletter, discount, promotion, or other email communication to gain their attention. Then we partner with an industry leader in email marketing technology to capture permission-based email addresses of those who choose to “opt-in” on your website.
Flying Turtle Studio provides a multitude of custom solutions to maximize your email marketing impact. Choose from custom designed e-marketing campaigns, monthly newsletters, weekly promotions, specials, or discounts to help you gain attention, build customer loyalty, and maximize your ROI. And if you choose to, you can develop specialized customer lists based on unique characteristics, allowing you to develop more relevant and targeted messages to those who it matters most.
We offer flexible, cost-effective plans to make it easy for you to maintain a powerful online presence. You can choose whether you wish to update and manage your social media accounts or if you’d prefer FTS to manage them for you, freeing you up to concentrate on your core business objectives.
Measuring SuccessTo ensure every message does its job, we monitor the effectiveness of each mailing by tracking open rates, click thru rates and conversions. By having the ability to capture and analyze this data, you gain a clearer picture of what your customers want, need and desire and can therefore tailor future e-marketing efforts to best meet these expectations.
And the benefits don’t end there…when your email subscribers share your message through social networking , your messaging and branding footprint increases exponentially! Keep your best customers and prospects coming back to your website, time and time again by harnessing the power of Flying Turtle Studio’s Email Marketing Services! Contact us today to learn more about our email marketing and management services.