The significant growth of microsites (a.k.a. "minisites") in recent years is a testament to the power they hold. While traditional websites often try to be all things to all people, microsites, conversely, are designed to lead specific high potential clients right to a website that immediately addresses their specific product or services need. The beauty of microsites is that they put you in the exact right place when targeted clients are looking for solutions to their problems.
A microsite is like a mini website usually consisting of just a few web pages. By limiting the amount of content, microsites are visually streamlined making it easy for clients to quickly find the product, service or offer information they are searching for.
Microsites are often used to segment or breakdown a parent company’s website into niche areas. By doing this, companies can develop a network of microsites, each targeted to promote one specific product, service or offer. Although an individual mircosite might experience less traffic than the parent website’s homepage, the traffic is pre-qualified and focused and therefore much more valuable.
BrandingUsing microsites is a way to create brands within brands. Microsites can help brand a product or service in a way that is unique from the parent brand visually and information or content-wise. Sometimes it makes sense for larger companies to develop a product or service for a smaller audience. Microsites allow you to proactively market to that smaller target audience without watering down your overall corporate brand.
SEOUnlike traditional landing pages, a microsite is a unique website and therefore has its own unique URL and domain. Smart microsite domain naming, can work to your advantage by choosing addresses that tie directly to your product or service and are easy to remember. Another key benefit to smart naming is it can provide an additional SEO ranking boost on search engine results pages.
By creating multiple microsites, you essentially increase your online footprint and maximize your online presence. By creating an intertwined network of microsites, each site's ranking relevance gets a boost through a process call reciprocal linking. A reciprocal link is a mutual link between two websites to create two-way traffic. This leads to higher search rankings and more successful organic search results.